All in For Pennsylvania Democrats


Generous Contribution from Friends of Finn Committee to Northumberland County PA Democratic Party

May 15th, 2024, Northumberland County:

The Northumberland County PA Democratic Party extends its heartfelt gratitude to the Friends of Finn Committee for its generous donation towards supporting Democratic initiatives across the region. This contribution significantly bolsters our efforts to promote the values and goals we hold dear.

Chairman John Merchlinsky expressed his sincerest appreciation for the Friends of Finn Committee's commitment to the party and its mission. "We are deeply grateful for the Friends of Finn Committee's support. Their contribution reflects a shared dedication to advancing the principles of equality, justice, and progress for all community members. With this donation, we can strengthen our grassroots efforts and make a meaningful impact in Northumberland County and beyond."

The Northumberland County PA Democratic Party remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering inclusive policies, advocating for social justice, and empowering citizens through democratic processes. Friends of Finn Committee's generosity reinforces our belief that we can create positive change and build a brighter future for our region.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

John J Merchlinsky III, Chair

Northumberland County PA Democratic Party

570 259 6971

Pennsylvania County Democratic Committees are the local chapters of the PA Democratic Party. Every four years, in the same electoral period as the Gubernatorial election, Democrats in each Town, Township, and Borough cast votes for or write in the names of people in their municipality to be their representatives to the County Democratic Committee.  The number of Committee people allowed per municipality is determined by population; the minimum allowed being two.  

Committee members choose a Board consisting of a Chairperson, Vice-chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, with whom they will work for the next four years.

Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee (PA Dems)

The Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee is the governing body of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. Founded in 1792, the Committee is responsible for directing and promoting the guiding principles and core values of the Democratic Party.  State Committee members are elected to four-year terms and meet thrice yearly. They elect a Chair, and members of the Executive Committee, hold nominating conventions for statewide candidates, pass and promote a platform, pass resolutions, and perform other party business. The professional staff raises money and coordinates strategies to elect Democrats up and down the ballot across the Commonwealth. 


Democratic National Committee (DNC)

For nearly 170 years, the  Democratic National Committee has been responsible for governing the Democratic Party, making it the oldest continuing party committee in the  United States of America. Today, the DNC plans the Party’s presidential nominating convention and promotes the Democratic Platform which is the statement of core principles at the heart of our Party. The DNC also raises money, hires staff, and coordinates support candidates throughout the country for local, state, and national offices. Additionally, the  DNC works with various constituencies to respond to the needs and views of the country.  The  DNC is composed of the chairs and vice-chairs of each state Democratic  Party Committee and over 200 members elected by Democrats in all 50  states and territories of the United States of America.


credit to ccdc

Welcome, Democrats from Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, and Beyond. This page keeps everyone updated on things going on with the Democratic Committee in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. If you have any questions or want more information... Reach out to our page.

Our Current Chair is John J Merchlinsky III

Phone Number is (570) 486-6156‬

Please Consider Donating

Meet the Team

  • John J Merchlinsky III


  • Leocadia Paliuis


  • Marcia Sherman


  • Sandy Heim


  • Deborah Howell

    Elected State Committee Member

  • Angelina Merchlinsky

    Communications Director

  • Michael Finn

    Legal Counsel

Upcoming events

  • Abortion Rights Rally

    In conjunction with Columbia, and Montour Counties.

    Please join us in telling them to let women make choices for their bodies.

Northumberland County Elected Democrats

  • Meghan Beck

    County Commssioner

  • Chris Grayson


  • James F. Kelly


Pennsylvania State Democratic

Elected Officials

  • Robert Casey

    United States Senator

  • John Fetterman

    United States Senator

  • Josh Shapiro


  • Austin Davis

    LT. Governor